Facilities and Services
What we offer
Full list of services

Each apartment is approximately 54 square meters in size and consists of one large bedroom, a bathroom with a shower or a …
bath and a toilet, a walk-through kitchenette and a spacious living room with a beautiful view of the Mooi River.
The apartments are connected on the inside by a common corridor equipped with a handrail that allows safe, indoor movement to the dining room, care unit and other apartments. The communal corridor also enables the delivery of 24-hour services within the apartments.

Residents who can still drive their cars safely may apply for a garage. There are fewer garages than apartments available.
If a garage is not immediately available, the resident’s name will be placed on a waiting list

Groenwilgers is a member of the Cachet Park City Improvement District (CID) which provides security services to Groenwilgers in collaboration …
with Mooi Rivier Protection Services. These include a number of cameras, 24-hour monitoring as well as an armed response force.
Panic Button
Each apartment is connected to the care unit via an intercom. Each resident receives a panic button that can be used in emergencies. Nursing staff are on duty 24 hours a day and may be contacted at any time for assistance
Minimum Services
The following services are included in the montly charge and are provided to a maximum of two people per apartment.

Nursing Service
Nursing staff are available 24 hours a day. This includes ongoing general supervision of the resident’s health, advice to …
his / her doctor, consultation regardinghealth problems as well as help and advice regarding medication.
Staff also take blood pressure, do blood sugar tests, urine tests, take and handle samples (urine and blood etc) and give injections (excluding injection and syringe). They also take care of residents’ nails and feet, do periodic rounds and supervision when a resident is ill and handle emergencies.

Cleaning Service
This includes washing dishes, making beds and cleaning baths / showers, basins and toilets, as well as washing floors, vacuuming carpets, dusting …
and polishing furniture, cleaning ornaments, sweeping floors, emptying bins, wiping dirty spots from walls and washing windows when needed.
Tasks must be completed within 1.5 hours. Residents do not provide any cleaning agents or the accessories, it is supplied by Groenwilgers.

Laundry Service
The service includes the weekly washing and ironing of normal clothing and bedding of the resident(s).
For more information about this service feel free to contact us.
Selection Services
Residents may choose whether they want to use the selection services and pay additional per service for the selected services. Rates are available on request. The selection services include the following:

Groenwilgers, or a private contractor provides three meals a day, which are served in the dining hall or in the resident’s apartment …
Meals are served at times as determined by Groenwilgers or the Private Caterer and residents book before 10:00 the previous day for meals at the head of the kitchen or a fixed weekly order can also be placed with special arrangements on weekends.

SECOND LEVEL – Additional nursing services, which can be provided to residents in the apartments, include wound care, …
inhalations, catheter insertion, bed-washing, shower / bath, sitz bath, taking blood pressure, putting curlers in hair, administering medication, and home care in the apartment.
All medication and bandages are for the resident’s account.

THIRD LEVEL – IN CARE UNIT Residents living in the care unit receive 24-hour care. The care unit also provides overnight care such …
as e.g. only supervision, or supervision and care services, but the resident goes to his / her apartment during the day. A bed in the care unit can then be kept at a reduced rate for a resident if he / she is hospitalized or away on visits.
Residents of the care unit provide or pay for all medications, diapers, bandages, toiletries, linen protectors and clothing.

ADDITIONAL – A ten-minute cleaning service includes making the bed and taking out the trash can. A half-hour cleaning service
involves household tasks that can be completed within half an hour, e.g. washing dishes, making the bed, cleaning the bath / shower, basin and toilet, taking out the rubbish etc.
Residents provide all cleaning supplies and necessities themselves.
The gardens are maintained by garden services.
Other Services

A hairdresser is available on the premises every Tuesday from 08:00 at very reasonable prices.
Please inquire at reception for more information.

Tuck Shop
There is a tuck shop that opens from Monday to Friday for half an hour a day from 10: 00-10: 30.
All essential items are available.

Socializing events is served every term and a Christmas dinner at the end of the year. …
There are also students who regularly visit the residents and offer interesting activities. Weather permitting, a spring braai is also held under the trees along the Mooi River once a year.

On Sunday afternoons, church services are held in the dining hall by pastors from the …
three sister churches.
Please inquire at reception for more information.
Entry levy
All buyers of apartments 1 to 56 pay an entry / purchase levy calculated at 7.5% of the purchase price as stipulated in the contract of sale of the apartment in question. This entry levy is paid over to a maintenance fund that is used exclusively for the maintenance and improvement of the buildings and facilities.
Owners are advised that the entry levy as described should be included in the sale price.
Monthly levy
Apartment owners are responsible for the monthly levy, which is approved by the Annual General Meeting. The levy includes all the costs for which the sectional title owner is responsible as well as the costs for the minimum services rendered to the apartment resident(s) whether owner(s) or tenant(s).
Each apartment is equipped with a separate electricity meter for electricity consumption. The electricity consumption of each apartment is determined monthly and the apartment resident, whether owner or tenant, pays for it himself.
Property tax
Each apartment owner is personally responsible for paying the apartment’s property tax to the local authority.
Apartment Rentals
Owners may rent out their apartments to suitable persons. Owners determine the rental amount of the apartment, which includes the monthly levy, themselves. The owner therefore pays the monthly levy and not the tenant. Several apartments are currently available for rent or for sale